PUAE 2.3.1 OSX Build – 16 June 2011

I have built PUAE from gNosTic for Mac OS X.

Commit version: 850759c4ed4285cefd851f96ae7aca428c884481
Build date: 16/06/2011
Built with: xcode 4.0.2 on Snow Leopard 10.6.7

Changes (from GnoStiC): several bugfixes, but most importantly new core cpu and disk emulation fixes.

This is a development snapshot, so is inherently unstable. If it crashes, mocks the Pope and disappears with your significant other it’s no-one’s problem but your own…

LibSDL is included as a Framework within the package – a separate install of LibSDL is no longer needed.

Current version: PUAE-231-20110616

Previous verion:PUAE-231-20110516


Family man, international businessman and geek at heart.

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16 Responses

  1. TigerUser says:


    I’d really like to try this out on Tiger. Are you able to compile/link adding the flag ” -mmacosx-version-min=10.4″ ? I think that is needed, or enable Deployment Post Processing when building in Xcode, to avoid “dyld” error 0x80000022 on Tiger.

    Thank you for your good work.

  2. Goose says:

    I just learned about this project and I am glad that someone is finally doing something like this – because imho the Amiga is the one computer you can not emulate comfortable under OSX until now. I will give it a try for sure!

  3. admin says:

    Hi TigerUser, I’ll look at the build script to see if that’s possible…
    Goose, it’s GnoStiC that’s the hero here: I’m just building the binary and providing a little feedback!

  4. AppleMeow says:


    Any chance of a refresh build, it’s been almost a month now 🙂

    • admin says:

      There’s been no new commits – I’ll chase gnostic. In other news, I’ve upgraded to xcode4, so I could release a build based on that, but it shouldn’t show much difference at all…

  5. straycat says:

    it still unexpectedly quits when quitting normally in the menu or command-q.
    i’m on snow leopard 10.6.5.

  6. There has been some commits lately. 🙂

  7. Alexander says:

    I’d love to see a new build too 🙂

  8. apex says:

    Thank you very much!!!

    I thought I will never see UAE on OSX. 🙂

  9. mrmcphisto says:

    For me on iMac 21″ it freezes if i try to choose a kick rom or whenever i try to open a “file” dialog box…

  10. mrmcphisto says:

    freezing for me on osx lion!!

  1. August 6, 2012

    […] and disappears with your significant other it’s no-one’s problem but your own…” Source: http://www.binarydevotion.com/?p=173 Category: Link […]

  2. March 4, 2015

    […] and disappears with your significant other it’s no-one’s problem but your own…” Source: http://www.binarydevotion.com/?p=173 Category: Link Amiga, Link […]

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